Sunday, December 23, 2007

Giving During Christmas

I live near Redemptorist Church and believe me Christmas time is not exactly a good time of the year to live here. The church bell rings at 6am everyday and as Christmas slowly approaches, more and more beggars and mendicants crowd the church grounds - it's actually scary.

Anyway this makes me think, is it right then to give all these beggars gifts? There is an existing anti-mendicancy law but seems to me that these groups of beggars have become a ploy. It's sad really because I do feel for most of these people.

I decided to give to one of the local day cares here instead - Mother of Perpetual Help Daycare. Sometimes I give to the many that have positioned themselves on different sides of the street as you try to catch a jeepney ride, but somehow it just doesn't seem right anymore.

Jesus did say that when you give to the least of your brethren, you're doing so to Me and I do believe that and I do try to give as much as I can but right now in situations like these, I'm a little confused too.

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