Friday, December 28, 2007

When People Leave

A lot of times we feel hurt when people leave us. I feel that way a lot of times. But I've come to discover that sometimes God allows these things to happen for us to remember that we shouldn't put our trust solely on people. Because whether we like it or not, the people we love will leave - may it be by a will of their own or because of circumstances beyond our control.

I guess the best thing we can do about it is pray and trust in the Lord. The Lord will take care of our loved ones and He will take care of us.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Giving During Christmas

I live near Redemptorist Church and believe me Christmas time is not exactly a good time of the year to live here. The church bell rings at 6am everyday and as Christmas slowly approaches, more and more beggars and mendicants crowd the church grounds - it's actually scary.

Anyway this makes me think, is it right then to give all these beggars gifts? There is an existing anti-mendicancy law but seems to me that these groups of beggars have become a ploy. It's sad really because I do feel for most of these people.

I decided to give to one of the local day cares here instead - Mother of Perpetual Help Daycare. Sometimes I give to the many that have positioned themselves on different sides of the street as you try to catch a jeepney ride, but somehow it just doesn't seem right anymore.

Jesus did say that when you give to the least of your brethren, you're doing so to Me and I do believe that and I do try to give as much as I can but right now in situations like these, I'm a little confused too.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Meaning Of Christmas

Everyone's getting ready to celebrate Christmas. Decorations are up. Christmas carols fill the air. Shoppers are all abuzz trying to find that perfect gift for their loved ones.

But really I do hope we don't forget the real meaning of Christmas. When Jesus Christ was sent to us from above. Born in a manger, even the angels sang of His birth.

It's amazing to think the God loves us so much that He was willing to take human form and be as lowly as low can get. Imagine being born in a manger nonetheless.

Let us always be grateful for Christmas.

(image from

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Count Your Blessings

Everyday we face different problems. Sometimes we get pleasant surprises, but more often than not we grumble about life and how life is unfair to us particularly. What makes a Christian different? It's when we count our blessings. When we realize how blessed we are even in the face of adversity, we are different from the world. When we realize we have so much to be thankful for, that is when we are set apart.

I make it a point every night to thank God for every little thing. That way when I go to sleep I'm grateful instead of miserable. When I remember all the small blessings, it never fails to make me feel better. It makes me feel that God is watching over me. That even in all my troubles, God is there watching and taking care of me and my family.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Trying times

It is indeed trying times where I'm working right now. We need to hit target and I find myself praying for that as well. And I even think the company's no good. The company doesn't really provide for the employees' needs. Not all of it anyway. They give us a ride to the office but basically that's it. When possible, the company doesn't provide premium pay and even stifles on things like Christmas parties and bonuses.

Anyway enough of my complaining. I'm still grateful I still have a job here, though how bad I may think my situation is, I know there are a lot of people who are worse off and I am truly blessed to have what I have. So I thank God for this job and this company. I do hope things get better for us, but I also do hope the company achieves its goals for the year.