Sunday, February 22, 2009

Talking about Love

In the last few weeks, speakers at our church have been talking about love. Earlier today the talk was about how love is kind, love is sharing and love is giving. I know it sounds quite simple but it's actually true.

The speaker today emphasized how difficult it is to actually share the gospel outright. Nobody will listen. But people will not turn their heads when they are shown kindness. That is what I think the difficult thing to do. "Living" the Christian way versus just talking about it.

Living the Christian way means being kind, being forgiving, being generous. That's pretty hard considering how difficult it is these days. When God asks us to pray for those who persecute as and love our enemies, it feels like we're tearing our hair out. But I do think it's true that's what it takes to reach out.

I'm not saying I'm any good or any better than anyone else, but I do see the wisdom in that.

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