Sunday, February 1, 2009

Overflowing Joy and Generosity

The speaker in church today was very moving when he shared about the current world crisis. Not only has it affected a lot of businesses, it has affected a lot of people. People have lost jobs, lost businesses, have tight budgets and even have a harder time getting by (not that it wasn't difficult getting by in the first place)

What the speaker tried to drive though was that despite these times of severe trial and poverty, as Christians, we should stand out. How is that? By showing overflowing joy and generosity during these times. Indeed that is difficult. He cited 2 Corinthians 8:1-7 for his talk and it did touch me.

I hope I can live up to that. It's difficult to give when you have nothing to give and it's hard to be joyful in the midst of trial. The key he said was to commit everything to God. When you are holding on to nothing, then you have nothing to lose.

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