Saturday, February 28, 2009

God's Love Shepherds us from Mara to Elim

In the church sermon today, the reference was Deuteronomy 8, where he started with verse 3

And he humbled thee, and suffered thee to hunger, and fed thee with manna, which thou knewest not, neither did thy fathers know; that he might make thee know that man doth not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the LORD doth man live.

God led His people, the Israelites out of Egypt and into the desert. There He taught them humility. In the same way this is how He deal with us Christians.

I have endured this lesson as well. I came from a great work-place that offered great pay where I was revered as someone who was sort of an "expert" at what I did. I moved though thinking that I would have better opportunity in another company. This indeed was quite a humbling experience as I realized I was an expert at nothing.

God allows His people to taste the bitter waters of Mara. As we are allowed to learn lessons the hard way because some times this is the only way we can learn them. It's kind of difficult to teach humility by word only but it's a lot easier to absorb it by practice.

After Mara though, God also let's us taste how sweet the waters are after we have learned our lessons. He is also gracious enough to let us enjoy Elim - a land with 12 springs and 70 palm trees. Imagine that within the desert.

We enjoy God's presence in this abundance these days. We are very fortunate. The speaker called on the congregation to appreciate that day by day and to always acknowledge God's hand

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Talking about Love

In the last few weeks, speakers at our church have been talking about love. Earlier today the talk was about how love is kind, love is sharing and love is giving. I know it sounds quite simple but it's actually true.

The speaker today emphasized how difficult it is to actually share the gospel outright. Nobody will listen. But people will not turn their heads when they are shown kindness. That is what I think the difficult thing to do. "Living" the Christian way versus just talking about it.

Living the Christian way means being kind, being forgiving, being generous. That's pretty hard considering how difficult it is these days. When God asks us to pray for those who persecute as and love our enemies, it feels like we're tearing our hair out. But I do think it's true that's what it takes to reach out.

I'm not saying I'm any good or any better than anyone else, but I do see the wisdom in that.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Overflowing Joy and Generosity

The speaker in church today was very moving when he shared about the current world crisis. Not only has it affected a lot of businesses, it has affected a lot of people. People have lost jobs, lost businesses, have tight budgets and even have a harder time getting by (not that it wasn't difficult getting by in the first place)

What the speaker tried to drive though was that despite these times of severe trial and poverty, as Christians, we should stand out. How is that? By showing overflowing joy and generosity during these times. Indeed that is difficult. He cited 2 Corinthians 8:1-7 for his talk and it did touch me.

I hope I can live up to that. It's difficult to give when you have nothing to give and it's hard to be joyful in the midst of trial. The key he said was to commit everything to God. When you are holding on to nothing, then you have nothing to lose.