Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Lord Giveth, The Lord Taketh Away - Blessed Be The Name Of The Lord

I just found out the other day that I have to pay fifty thousand worth in taxes before the year ends. I was just shocked and aghast and I just cried my eyes out. How in the world will I get that kind of money? Where will I get that kind of money?

And if they took it out of my salary, what would I have left? Never mind that I don't even get paid that kind of amount, but that it's Christmas for crying out loud!

I picked myself up later in the day and prayed. What am I supposed to do? Eventually I realized that God had given me so much I don't have a right to complain.

I remembered Job.

I'm not as good as he was, in fact I'm probably the exact opposite. I thought I was probably being punished for all the wrong I've done instead of just being tested.

Either way I though this is the time for me to just give it back. I wasn't going to think about how much money we're already paying to our corrupt government, but that in faith God will provide. God will see me through this.

The Lord giveth, the Lord taketh away. Blessed be the name of the Lord!

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