I'm starting to read Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren, I've been feeling a little lot recently. Although I still go to church and do my thing. I'm not a bad person but I don't really know what's going on with myself and my life.
I go to church and say my prayers. I do try to be a good person. But this time I just got caught in this mess in the office.
What happened was a friend of mine helped me to get hired here. I owe her a lot, but even she thinks that I got in by my own merits, all she really did was hand over my resume. I still think though that somehow by doing that she let a little of her credibility rubb off on me, and this helped me to get hired.
Right now though the department I'm in, the entire division I'm in, doesn't really like her as a person, whereas I have the highest regard for her. Unfortunately though people talk and in the process such rumors have hurt her.
I got dragged in there just for being part of the team. I felt really down when she got upset. I was really sad that this had to happen. I apologized to her, not because I had any part in those rumors, but because I didn't do anything.
My personality is really to just ignore the unpleasant. That's what I did when I heard what was said about her. I didn't believe a word of it and so I just let it pass out my other ear and withdrew from what I thought was a futile & stupid conversation.
In this case though, non-participation was not enough. The rumors ended up sounding like it came from the group when I did not take part of it. She felt really bad and even said she was disappointed - I figured I was part of the disappointment as well.
I went to her at first not knowing what in the world was going on, just that she was giving me this "I-don't-like-you" vibe and then that was how I found out about the above incidences.
I apologized profusely and even feel bad to this day. I have a feeling I probably couldn't mend her image of me and that's really sad but I do hope she forgives me. For some reason though I pray that the opportunity won't have to rise that I have to defend her, that people will just keep their mouth shut and let her be. It's tough being brave. I do hope God will give me the courage when the time comes.
I think it's all a big misunderstanding. The people I'm with aren't bad people, sometimes gossip just gets twisted as it is passed around.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
The Story Of Joseph - Waiting For God's Promise

The speaker in church today spoke of the story of Joseph but in an entirely different perspective. I had always though Joseph (the dreamer) was a very fortunate person, favored by God and man was how he was described in the bible.
Although a bit tragic that his own brothers sold him off to be a slave in Egypt, that must have been difficult.
It's amazing his faith never faltered and so he saw how the Lord's will unfolded in his life. The speaker in church today mentioned that it took 13 years for Joseph's dream to be made real. That dream where the sun, moon and stars bowed down to him.
He had to go through a lot of trial and suffering before he arrived to that place of honor and respect. Along the way he was maltreated and imprisoned and well, just tested by everything that happened in his life.
I can relate because nothing ever came easy for me. It always seemed like whatever I had to do I had to put so much effort in it whereas I saw other people just ease through things in life that I seem to have to work twice as hard at for the same results.
The speaker did mention that we learn best through steps of faith. I'm not sure I agree because it is most difficult but I guess that's how we best assimilate the lessons in life. In the end though it's true what she said about God's will, it doesn't unfold the way we expect them to. But God is faithful and so should we.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Adulteress Faces Condemnation?

In John 8:1-11, I'm sure a lot of you out there have read or at the very least heard about this story. It was about the woman who was brought to Jesus on charges of adultery. The pharisees wanted to trick Jesus by asking Him if they should stone her for her sin. Just so we've got it right, here's the passage again from BibleGateway.com
John 8
1But Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. 2At dawn he appeared again in the temple courts, where all the people gathered around him, and he sat down to teach them. 3The teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in adultery. They made her stand before the group 4and said to Jesus, "Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. 5In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?" 6They were using this question as a trap, in order to have a basis for accusing him.
But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. 7When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, "If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her." 8Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground.
9At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there. 10Jesus straightened up and asked her, "Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?"
11"No one, sir," she said.
"Then neither do I condemn you," Jesus declared. "Go now and leave your life of sin."
Often we see ourselves on the receiving end of this passage, helping us to remember that we should not judge others if we do not want to be judged but the message in church today gave the perspective of the adulteress.
The speaker said, "Wonder how we would feel if we were charged like that in front of all those people? Where would we put our face?" He often brought up those questions. We'd die of shame if we were put in the spotlight like that, I can only imagine she must have felt that way too.
The speaker also mentioned that we wouldn't stand a chance if God kept a record of our wrongs. Specially with God's standards, where our thoughts alone, if sinful are already sins by themselves even if we don't act them out. Now that is difficult
But Jesus shows a love that does not condemn. We are so blessed. Jesus doesn't want us to obey him and to abstain from sin because we're terrified of punishment, Jesus wants us to obey and be sinless because we love Him and are grateful for His forgiveness. I hope to learn that lesson Lord.
bible passage,
Jesus love,
john 8,
throw the first stone
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