Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Waiting For God's Timing

It can be so difficult to wait on the Lord. I know that He has His way that has been prepared for me and I'm so excited to take it that I can't help but feel downcast sometimes. Sometimes I think maybe the Lord changed His mind and wasn't going to give it to me after all. Although I still pray for faith that He will provide and that I will be patient enough to wait for His perfect timing.

And then all of a sudden in my morning devotion earlier today, this is the verse I get

For the revelation awaits an appointed time;
it speaks of the end
and will not prove false.
Though it linger, wait for it;
it will certainly come and will not delay.
Habakuk 2:3

Praise the Lord. I continue to pray for patience I continue to wait for Your perfect timing Lord.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Dwelling In The House Of The Lord

My daughter just memorized this memory verse in Sunday School, "I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever." Psalm 23: 6

She was very happy and I was so proud. She never used to participate a lot in memorizing verses from Sunday School, I'm glad she's warmed up to it. I do hope she takes a lot more home in her heart

Saturday, July 5, 2008

The Link Between Love and Sacrifice

The message in church today was very timely and very heart-warming so to speak. The speaker at our church spoke about love, sounds very passe I know, but this is about love for the Lord.

Everybody loves. That is a fact of life right? And the reason why everyone goes to their church (or place of worship, whatever that may be or maybe almost everyone anyway) is because we love and/ or fear God.

This is a really nice concept, loving a higher-being who has been looking after us. I do the same. The thing about this Sunday morning's sermon was that the speaker emphasized that it's not just about saying "I love you," or "I love God," but it's the actions that go with it

The focus of the message was on sacrifice, the things we should learn to sacrifice if we truly love the Lord. Now last week the message was that there can be no love unless there is no sacrifice, so this sermon was sort of connected to the previous one.

Anyway, he highlighted 3 things about sacrifice

  • Sacrifice your freedom - now since we have been saved in Christ, we are all free. But just because we're free doesn't mean we should just go about doing what we want when we want like spoiled brats. We should be aware that because we love the Lord, we should be able to sacrifice some things for Him as he has sacrificed for us. This is very common even in romantic relationships right? We don't go ahead and eat something we know our partner is allergic to because it might hurt him/ her in the process. I guess it's the same for the Lord. We should do something that might hurt Him or brother and sisters - that they might sin because of what you did

  • Sacrifice your time - church seems like a big sacrifice to some people. Being stuck in church for about 2 hours to hear sermon can be dragging and boring some times. I used to think so that's for sure. I've fallen asleep some times too. Now I try to think of it as a time when God might want to speak to me. I think there's a bigger chance because there are all these people as well to whom God might be speaking too, I guess I'm just after some collective blessing or message that God might want to impart. It's also really nice to with good Christians sometimes. But not only that, we should be able to say our prayers and devotions daily. These aren't necessarily long periods of time but instead times when we can come to the Lord daily for guidance. I think it's worth it

  • Sacrifice your pleasures/ comforts - this was pretty funny when the speaker shared. His example was the "spa." There are a lot of those in the city these days. They make you feel good but then if they cause you to sin then you should probably avoid them. I'm not particularly a spa fan so I wasn't affected but he was right. Sometimes we have to forego certain pleasures in life to be with God, like a night-out for instance or probably a lunch-date that would make going to church difficult.
It was a very nice message today. I hope many were blessed. I'm sure I was

Thursday, July 3, 2008

The Lord's Will and My Career

Right now is a very complicated time for me. I've been having difficulty about work relationships and just about work in general. I'm not really sure if I'm in the right place right now because I feel the work I do and the people I'm working with, my superior to be specific, is not really bringing out the best in me.

This is on a personal christian-like behavior anyway. I'd like to say I'm a good person, but I'm really not that good. And when it comes to dealing with my superior right now, it becomes even harder to be nice and polite.

There is this air of distrust between us. And so I asked the Lord to please take me away from this place. I usually say "Take me out of the dark Lord please!" and I think God has heard me.

So far there have been 3 opportunities presented to me, 2 of which cannot compete in terms of salary because I am very well-paid where I am, note though that I also work really hard. But both companies are very stable in the long-term. I've constantly asked the Lord that if either of those companies just came out with a job offer even if the pay was to be lower I would probably take it.

But so far, no offer has come my way. I'm still waiting on the Lord. Right now though my prayer has changed it's tone. Instead of saying please take me out Lord, right now it's please help me to wait for Your perfect timing and please give me the strength to stand my ground while I wait for Your will to unfold.

The third opportunity is already an offer as it is to go abroad. It's okay I guess but I'd like to stay here. I have told the Lord these things, offered to Him my career options - if they're still there.

Lord please help me, please help me know Your will and be patient for Your perfect timing. I know the Lord has so many good things planned for me. He has already brought me this far, and I couldn't have imagined myself being where I am today. He just gave me all these things

So thanks Lord, thanks so much for all these things. I truly truly appreciate them. The Lord knows my heart. The verse I carry around these days is this:

A man's heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps. --Proverbs 16:9