Saturday, April 12, 2008

Requirements to Preaching The Gospel

The message in church today was very convicting. The speaker shared about preaching the Gospel. The need to do it and how to do it. I have to admit, sharing the Gospel isn't exactly one of my strong points. I find it intrusive when other people want me to believe what they believe in just because they tell me to and I guess that's the same with me. Since I don't want to be treated that way so I don't want to cause other people inconvenience by having them believe my faith.

But the speaker said it quite differently today. He said it was our mission to share the Gospel. I guess that's true. I'd rather my actions speak though rather than my words. I'm always afraid of not walking the talk.

As a requirement the speaker said that we should purge all sin from our lives.
  • We should forgive others who have wronged
  • We should confess our own sins
  • We should offer restitution as well
Another requirement was for us to Pray
  • Pray
  • Pray
  • Pray
And I believe these to be true as well. I do hope I can share some of what I've experienced in the Lord with other people. I'm not quite sure if I can go up to people and just say them but I hope that my life will touch people in the same way.

The beautiful image of the little girl is available as a poster on if you're interested.

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