Monday, March 24, 2008


An incident occurred where a Christian friend of mine borrowed a rather large sum of money from me. We live in the same apartment and so have shared a lot of things through more than a decade of living together. I don't mind lending money at all when I have some. I have been blessed with a rather well-paying job. I'm often busy but I do think I am paid enough to live comfortably, thanks be to God.

However, just recently this friend of mine wanted to attend a conference out of town that would yet again necessitate that she borrow money from me. I was of course agreeable to this, albeit quite jealous that she is able to go to such a conference while I have to work my way through the Lenten season. But that's okay though because I do have a child to take care of and with whom I also want to spend some quality time with (as well as my family too).

As it was time for this friend of mine to leave for her conference, it was her turn to shop for groceries. She did not do this before she left and neither did she tell anyone. By the time she had left, it was very difficult for us left behind to purchase food or groceries because it was now the Lenten holidays and most if not all the shops were closed.

I feel bad about this I really do. I feel quite betrayed and taken advantaged of. I think she should have at least told us that this was the case. I feel even worse because I took the extra effort to get her that money in time for her conference, but she did not extend to us the same courtesy and I don't think that's very nice. I'm no longer as angry as I was last week. I feel that my anger will accomplish nothing. But I still feel bad about it. I wonder if I'm wrong to feel this way but for some reason I don't think so. God help me decide what to feel

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