Friday, March 14, 2008

Frustrations And God's Sustenance

I was unable to post last Sunday's message from church on time because I was swamped with work over the week. I've worked 12 hours per day the last 5 days and I am exhausted.

I'm also frustrated because some of my relationships are a little off and I can't seem to help feeling sad and angry at myself.

Last Sunday, the speaker mentioned about the mountains and valleys of life, relating these to the promise land God was to give the Israelites when they left Egypt. In contrast to Egypt where they sow their food - Canaan was going to prove a great change in pace and ambiance.

The speaker likened Egypt to the world where there is a steady source of resource. There is the Nile river that would seemingly sustain us. However we'd be slaves in this land of Egypt. Slaves to our sinful desires and slaves to the world that commands us to sow and plant and reap/ harvest.

Canaan on the other hand, was a land of mountains and valleys that drank water from the rain falling from heaven. Being in the promised land means we will have to entrust our resources to God who will provide the rain in due time.

Applies well to me this week. I admit I prayed a lot for God to guide me through meeting after meeting and analysis after analysis, because believe me I can't do it on my own. I'm just about ready to fall over right now from exhaustion and frustration but still I think I am blessed because I could have never survived the week without God's sustenance.

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