Sunday, January 27, 2008

What I Learned In Church Today - Be Tactful

I didn't get to stay long in church today because I was feeling under the weather but I'm glad to say that God gave me something to take away from that sermon even if I wasn't there for so long. One of the core messages of the church sermon I heard today was about being tactful.

Being tactful in today's church message was defined as "making your point without making an enemy." I think it's very practical and something that people can actually relate to day to day. We wouldn't have this much trouble between different religions if we can make our point without offending or demeaning other people.

So thank God for this word that He left me today and I hope it will bear fruit in my life.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

When One Saved Us All

It's very lively where I am now, its the grade parade for the patron saint of the city if you believe in things like that. It hasn't been much of a prayerful time if that's what you're thinking. In fact the celebration itself has become less about the patron saint being celebrated than it is a commercial event.

The Sinulog festival here in Cebu is now more of a grand parade and Cebu City highlight compared to a solemn event. Many people believe that santo nino - the child saint for which this festival is named after is a reflection of Jesus Christ as a child.

In fact people from all over the world to see people dance on the streets and party all night. I have to admit, I have had my share of sinulog celebrations and it was indeed fun. Face painting, bar hopping, dancing and drinking are all part of the event.

Not to say that it's not fun and that it shouldn't be. But I made it a point today to go to church before the roads were blocked for the mardi gras parade. I wanted to thank God for the rich blessings of the city and of course my family.

In the end, I'm just glad Jesus came to die for our sins and for guiding us thus far.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Faith In Sickness

I was sick for about a week. Had Rubella Infection otherwise known as German Measles, it was quite a horrible experience too. Very discomforting and I had to stay away from my family because I was contagious.

This made me very lonely and sad. Kept praying that the Lord heal me. I asked God so many times if he could just take away the pain I'd really appreciate it. And then I also asked that if He could just bring me back home to my family again, that would be great too.

And here I am truly grateful for God's healing. It's difficult to have faith in times of sickness. I should know being stuck in a hospital bed for a week, coughing up blood with a sore throat.

God is indeed gracious. He provided for me while I was there in the hospital. I did have some visitors come by and there were people who expressed their concern and care. God never left me and He is with me still.

(image from

Friday, January 4, 2008

New Year's Resolution

It's the New Year once again and everyone's bound to have a New Year's Resolution. Daily Bread just mentioned a few days ago that if you are in the market for a New Year's Resolution, one of which ought to be to slow life down instead of speed it up with so many goals.

If there is a worthy goal, it is to build up treasures in heaven where neither moth nor rust can destroy. I agree with all my heart. Just difficult sometimes when we badly need so much to survive these days (or maintain a lifestyle). But I guess the point here would be that, we should take life easy with a primary goal of God first before everything else. That way He should help us align all the things we need to get done according to His Will.

(image from