It's December and everybody knows it's a holiday month. I'm having difficulty just getting up and going to work being in holiday mode. December is also gift-giving season as well. We all love to get gifts. It's a lot harder to give these days though the economy being what it is
Reading "Purpose Driven Life" has helped me a lot in that area, one of the lessons there was about how God gave us gifts so we can share them with others. I have always tried to live my life in this perspective. It's not easy because we all need money and I do think I have yet to give more of what I have and/or more of myself before I can truly say that I have given my fullest, but I try.
One of the things we should remember about the season though is the Giver more than the gifts. God gave us Jesus this Christmas and I think we should always put that at the center of all that we do. In the midst of all the material blessings, let's remember the spiritual blessings as well, particularly the gift of salvation from Jesus Christ.
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