I have been in my new office for about 3 weeks now and more than anything else, I have been quite terrified. It's difficult becoming a manger in a place full of experts and people expecting you to be an expert as well. I don't mind the hard work, I'm fairly used to that - I've been working since I was 16. But the thought of being thrown out there with the sharks is just scary.
While in church today I felt this sudden rush when I sang with the rest of the congregation...
When the oceans rise and the thunders roarIt was comfort and relief and also immense gratitude and a sense of being "taken care of" just filled me when I sang through those lines that I just cried the rest of the song. Everyone else was calling this God's presence. This is why I attend this particular church. When I used to be a Catholic, I stood with hundreds of other people and I didn't really feel anything and I had to focus really hard to pay attention to what the priest was saying... just to feel the presence of God.
I will soar with You above the storm
Father, You are king over the flood
I will be still and know You are God.
But in this church I sense God is there even as we sing and as we pray. God is not just an abstract concept that people talk about. God can be felt and God can be heard. I'm so grateful for this church and hope and pray that God will always abide there.
It's important to go to church every now and then. God gives us this opportunity to recharge ourselves and remember that He is around. Life is really difficult sometimes but as the speaker said this morning, God does not want to make our lives miserable. More often than not, we make our lives miserable. God just hopes that we learn from them and that we remember that at all times, His gracious hand is there to guide us.
Although I do pray and have morning devotion on a daily basis, the collective blessing felt in the church is quite powerful and I will never take that for granted.
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