Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Answered Prayers

I used to be a very avid Christian, going to church more than once a week - attending praise and worship meetings, prayer meetings and others. As I grew older though I found that I get so busy that sometimes I feel I don't even have time to pray.

On the flip side though, becuase life has become so difficult often when I'm caught between a rock and a hard place I end up praying a lot. I wonder if God takes offense in that? I sure hope not. I try to be consistent with prayer. In fact, I make it a routine with my daughter to pray every night before we got to sleep.

I'm glad at least that she learn the value of prayer, even if it does become a routine. I felt very glad when just the other day there was this black out and the entire city had no electricity. She said that she would pray to God for the electricity to come back on. It didn't come back on until the next day but she still said that God answered her prayer and gave us electricity.

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