Thursday, November 29, 2007

God's Timing

We were just in Manila for 3 days and just came back to Cebu late last night. God's timing is always right because had we stayed just one night longer, we would have been unfortunate enough to witness the Hotel Stand-off in Manila or Manila Coup d'etat that's been plaguing the news all day today. We visited Makati yesterday and passed by the Manila Peninsula on our way back to our hotel. God certainly heard our prayers and kept us safe.

He not only averted us from the actual incident, He also made sure we won't be anywhere near that mess. I especially appreciate this as I had to accompany 2 children and my grandmother there. God is indeed merciful, and He is watching over us. We are truly blessed with His timing.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Praying For Safety

We're going on a long trip today and I just pray to God for safety and guidance. I'm going to be with two children and I just hope we'll be fine.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Learning To Be Patient

I love my daughter dearly but sometimes her mood swings just get on my nerves. I don't understand... one minute she's happily playing and the next she's off to a corner suddenly in a very sour mood. I often pray for patience and sometimes I think this is the way God tries to teach me. By giving me an opportunity to be patient. I learned that from "Evan Almighty." Sometimes I wish there were easier ways to learn

Thursday, November 22, 2007

An Open Letter To Cebu Redemptorist Church-Goers

I live right behind Redemptorist Church Cebu and often when there is a mass held in the church, often this is every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday - always without question, a traffic will ensue. Church-goers park all over the place to the extent that the road leading in and out of the church is left with only one lane.

This gets even worse when people start to exit the church right after the mass. I would think that when people come from church or mass, they'd be a lot more considerate and giving and patient. But my goodness, the traffic is just horrendous. Everybody tries to leave all at the same time and the roads are clogged for 30 minutes max. It becomes very difficult for everyone to pass by the Redemptorist church road at these times.

We've often had to walk home when this happens. I personally don't mind walking but isn't this a bad reflection on the faith that church-goers profess? Can't there be a more organized way to handle this?

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Answered Prayers

I used to be a very avid Christian, going to church more than once a week - attending praise and worship meetings, prayer meetings and others. As I grew older though I found that I get so busy that sometimes I feel I don't even have time to pray.

On the flip side though, becuase life has become so difficult often when I'm caught between a rock and a hard place I end up praying a lot. I wonder if God takes offense in that? I sure hope not. I try to be consistent with prayer. In fact, I make it a routine with my daughter to pray every night before we got to sleep.

I'm glad at least that she learn the value of prayer, even if it does become a routine. I felt very glad when just the other day there was this black out and the entire city had no electricity. She said that she would pray to God for the electricity to come back on. It didn't come back on until the next day but she still said that God answered her prayer and gave us electricity.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Feeling Blessed In The Midst Of A Storm?

We experienced a storm recently and it was pretty challenging. Seeing everybody panic, I admit I was worried too. We seldom see God's glory in stuff like this that seem bad at the time. But as I saw people around me becoming more distressed about their families and how they were to get home, I was glad I wasn't really that worried (well I was worried about other things but) I was sure that my kid was okay and that we'll be okay. I guess I have God to thank for that.