Thursday, June 25, 2009

Be Calm and Know that I am God

I've been quite tense recently. I don't understand it. But I feel so stressed out that I just want to stop working. It's too bad though that bumming around doesn't put food on the table. I do have a family to support & a child to feed, as well as put through school so I guess I have to keep on keep on.

I read one article though from "2 Thoughts for Today." That's a nice Christian subscription that at least reminds me when I'm at work that God is there with me.

The nice thing about this article was how it reminded me of how God comforts His people - "Be calm & know that I am God." It went something like this (not exactly word-for-word like this but to the same effect anyway):
  • Feeling frustrated? - Be calm & know that I am God
  • Tired? - Be calm & know that I am God
  • Angry? - Be calm & know that I am God
  • Uncertain? - Be calm & know that I am God
And just like that, I realized how unnecessary it is for me to feel alone because I know that God is with me. I'm so fortunate. Thank you God that You are in control