Saturday, May 31, 2008

Waiting Can Be So Hard To Do!

When we ask something from the Lord, sometimes it is just so hard to wait. It makes me wonder, maybe what I'm asking for isn't God's will for me. But it just seems so good an opportunity I can't help but ask it from God.

I read this story once of a boy who wanted a toy train and egged his mother so much that she finally got that exact one for his birthday. However his brother mentioned that their mother got him an even bigger and better train originally, but because the child insisted on that particular toy train, the mother had to go return the bigger and better toy she originally got and exchanged it for the train the child insisted on.

Now isn't that a shame? I don't want that to happen to me. I know God has his great and perfect will for me and although it pains me to wait so long and pray constantly for this opportunity. I still hope that God's will be done instead of mine. I know He has a greater purpose. So even if it's so hard to wait, I will. I will trust in the Lord that He will provide for me.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

The Ant Vs. The Grasshopper As Applied To Christian Life

The Ant Vs. The Grasshopper

The preacher last Sunday shared about the ant versus the grasshopper. Apparently the ant has a pay now, play later attitude. They work all summer to gather food in order to be able to enjoy it through the winter.

While grasshoppers on the other hand, do this the other way around. They play all spring and summer, then come winter... well... they die.

We as Christians are like that I guess. We should be like the ant where we pay now in order to enjoy the joys of heaven later on. We work now for the glories of heaven, help as many people as we can find Jesus and possibly join us in heaven.

I do hope I can do justice to that.